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빅터2023.03.02 12:58

만약 주말을 끼워 일정을 잡으신다면 일단 줄서보고 싶습니다.

어디가 계획하신 포인트인지 모르나 잠시 찾아보니 Del Norte County는 신경독인 domoic acid문제로 현재 클로즈 돼 있는것으로 보입니다.

6월까지 새로운 발표가 없다면 먹기는 위험할듯 합니다.



Domoic acid poisoning in humans may occur within minutes to hours after consumption of affected seafood and can result in signs and symptoms ranging from vomiting and diarrhea to permanent loss of short-term memory (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning), coma or death. There is no way to prepare clams for consumption that will remove the toxin – cooking and freezing have no effect.