아리송2020.11.24 22:30

지금 코로나가 심각해서 Campsite를 Open은 하지만 사이트당 차 2대를 엄격히 적용한다고 Email이 왔네요. 제 생각엔 모두의 안전을 위해서 아무래도 이번 Event는 Cancel하는게 

어떨까 싶습니다만... 판단이 잘 안서네요. Extra Car를 캠핑장내에서 주차 하기가 거의 불가능 할거 같아요. 하시더라도 카풀이 가능하신분들은 차 댓수를 줄여 주세요.


Dear Valued Customer,  


We are contacting you today because our records show that you have an upcoming reservation scheduled at one of the Santa Clara County Parks. We have received notification from the office of the County Executive for the County of Santa Clara and the Office of Emergency Services that our campgrounds can reopen provided that specific guidelines must be met.   


Part of our approved plan to reopen requires that any sites that do not meet social distancing and other COVID-19 related requirements must be cancelled. Our park staff surveyed each individual site at the camping parks to confirm which sites are in compliance and which must be closed until further notice. Your campsite has been approved to reopen.  


We would like to inform you that the restrooms will be open during your upcoming stay, but the shower facilities and drinking fountains remain closed. There is a maximum of 2 vehicles allowed per campsite reservation. Additional vehicles will not be permitted. Our department understands that this may have an impact on your stay, so we would like to extend the offer to cancel your reservation without any penalties. If you wish to keep your upcoming reservation, no additional action is required. If you would like to cancel your reservation, you may do so by responding to this email or calling our Reservations Department at (408)355-2201.  


Please feel free to call our Permits & Reservations department during our regular business hours Monday-Friday from 8:30am-12:00pm and 1:00pm-4:00pm at 408-355-2201 if you have any questions.  


Thank you for choosing Santa Clara County Parks! 


SCC Park Permits & Reservations 

Santa Clara County Parks  |  298 Garden Hill Drive  |  Los Gatos, CA 95032 

p.408.355.2201  |  f.408.355.2290  | www.parkhere.org 
