Organic2023.06.19 18:25

요산 (Uric Acid). 유기화합물C5H4N4O3


 이름대로 오줌에 포함되어 있는 물질로조류곤충의 배설물에서 많이   있다배설물인 만큼 식물에게도 상당한 독성물질이다새가 배출하는 배설물이  요산 형태로 나오는데이걸 맞은 풀과 나무들이 버티지 못하고 죽어서 민둥산이  정도 - 나무위키

Uric acid is a normal body waste product. It forms when chemicals called purines break down. Purines are a natural substance found in the body. They are also found in many foods, such as liver, shellfish, and alcohol. They can also be formed in the body when DNA is broken down.


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