아리송2019.10.07 11:48

5월에 예약을 했었네요. 퍼밋 픽업을 10월 17일(목)에 하거나 10월18일(금) 10시전에 픽업 하셔야 하고 10월 18일 (금) 10시 이후에 픽업 할거면  2일전에  아래 전화번호로 전화해서 hold해달라고 해야 합니다.

Permit ID: 11991
Group Size: 6

call 209-372-0308 (up to 2 days in advance) to request your permit be held.

To receive your permit, you must:

  1. Make a payment of $35.00. Below is the link to the reservation payment form. Please follow the link and complete the required fields as instructed. You have 48 hours from the timestamp of this email to successfully submit payment for this reservations or your reservation will be cancelled. Please call the reservation office with further questions at 209-372-0740.

    Secure payment platform for wilderness permits

    Permit ID: 11991
    Group Size: 6
    Payment Deadline: May 13, 2019 10:42 AM PT

    Note: Your permit reservation is NOT VALID until you complete the payment instructions described above.
    You must pay for the full amount of your reservation. If you would like to decrease or increase your group size you must do so by calling the reservation office at 209-372-0740

  2. Pick up your permit on 10/17/2019 or by 10:00 a.m. on 10/18/2019. Bring this confirmation with you to any open Yosemite Wilderness Permit Station (check season and hours).

    If you need to pick up your permit after 10:00 a.m. on 10/18/2019, call 209-372-0308 (up to 2 days in advance) to request your permit be held. If you haven't picked up your permit and we haven't heard from you by 10:00 a.m. on 10/18/2019, your permit will be canceled so that slot is available for someone else.
Other things you need to know:
Trip details for your review:
Permit ID: 11991
Entry Date: 10/18/2019
Entry Trailhead: Happy Isles->Little Yosemite Valley
Exit Date: 10/20/2019
Exit Trailhead: Happy Isles->Little Yosemite Valley
Number in Party: 6
Number hiking Half Dome: 0
Number of Stock: 0

You must get to Little Yosemite Valley before camping. You must camp your first night at Little Yosemite Valley. Bear boxes and composting toilet are available at the campground. Bears have obtained food from backpackers in this area.
To contact us:
  • If you have other questions about reservations call 209-372-0740 (Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.).
  • If you have general questions about Yosemite wilderness, call 209-372-0826 (Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.).

To cancel your reservation:
  • Reservation fees are nonrefundable, but cancellation notifications are appreciated by reservation staff and prospective hikers alike. To cancel your permit, please reply to this email writing “PLEASE CANCEL PERMIT # (INSERT YOUR PERMIT ID NUMBER)” in the body or subject of your email. Reservation staff does not correspond by email; other inquires will be ignored.

Please do not reply to this confirmation via email.