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아지랑2015.02.16 09:48
이번 자원봉사하는 트레일에 관한 이메일 내용 입니다.

공원 입구에서 0.5 마일 북쪽으로 있는 Monument  Trail 이  빗물때문에 수년에 걸쳐  트레일이 점점 망가져서,
당장 수리를 해야 된다고 합니다.  Monument  Trail 은 헨리코에서 가장 트레픽이 심한 트레일중에 하나입니다.

그래서 현재있는 트레일의 일부를 물길을 피해 바깥쪽으로 돌려 새로 트레일을 내나봅니다. 
그리고 물이 잘 빠져 나갈수 있게 Rain Drain 파이프를 땅에 묻을꺼라고 합니다.

We have decided that we will work on Monument Trail on Feb 21st.
This is a very important trail for us, it leads from the Park Headquarters and it is one of the most used segments.
About 0.5 mi from HQ there is a section which has been eroded by the rain over the years. We need to change the profile of this trail (more outslope) and add a few rain drains.  We'll have to dig into the trail tread.
We would be very happy to have the help of your group. Do you know how many would be likely to come ? 
We would like to have an idea as we need to prepare tools and buy enough doughnuts !
Here are instructions for access to the Park Headquarters : http://coepark.net/pineridgeassociation/planning-your-visit/visitor-centers-and-park-entrances/visitor-center#GettingThere
Meeting at 8:30 AM for coffee and doughnuts and work starts at 9 AM